Retirement Accommodation – Would you pay the $ amounts being asked by the industry not for ownership but simply conditional occupancy of residential accommodation in a Retirement Village?
Don't answer now - answer at the end.
- What is the cost of moving into this Retirement Village?
- The in-going amount in his village is $850,000.00. Commensurate with those in the freehold development next door where you would obtain ownership but here you get a lifestyle in addition to the conditional right to occupy.
- I don’t actually get ownership for $850,000.00, all I get is a conditional right to occupy?
- Correct.
- Is there a Deferred Management Fee and what is the amount?
- Yes, the Deferred Management Fee payable to this operator is 35% or $297,500.00 of that in-going price of $850,000.00.
- I don’t get all my money back when I leave the property even though I don't have ownership only a conditional right to occupy?
- Correct.
- Why do I lose 35% of my in-going amount if I don't have ownership?
- That 35% or $297,500.00 amount helps pay for the $2.5m communal recreational facilities and helps the operator make a profit so they can continue to provide this type of accommodation which is well liked by both State and Federal Governments.
- You want me to believe that the developer has made no profit over development costs at the $850,000.00 per unit price point.
- You have over 100 units here so that $297,500.00 taken per unit totals $29.7m for a once only communal and recreation facility cost of $2.5M.
- Retirement village units turnover around every 7 years or so, you will get at least $29.7m now at the start of the village and then again around every 7 years over the entire life of the village for a once only communal and recreation facility cost of $2.5M.
- Correct.
- When do I get the 65% or $552,500.00 of that total in-going payment refunded?
- On your departure from the village after say 5, 10, 15 years of occupancy.
- But inflation will have decimated the present day value of my money by that time, I will struggle to have enough capital value to return to the property market or afford a nursing home placement.
- This has the capacity to put me into what many describe as the retirement village financial or poverty trap where the present day value of that 65% of the in-going amount refundable to me on departure is decimated in by inflation, rising housing costs and rising nursing home entry costs.
- Correct.
- What happens to my 65% or $552,500.00 of that in-going payment while I reside in the village?
- The operator can use that 65% or $552,500.00 of that in-going payment interest free for their working capital needs or to repay their commercial borrowings or simply to invest for a profit until repayment to you on your exit.
- You have over 100 units here, that would generate an interest free cash pool of over $55.0m million dollars increasing over time as each unit increases in price.
- Correct.
- I paid an in-going amount commensurate with a purchase price do I get any capital gain?
- No, under this particular occupancy contract 100% of the capital gain goes to the operator.
- Are there any other costs associated with this conditional occupancy agreement?
- Yes, you pay all the maintenance costs of the unit.
- Yes, you pay any selling costs of the unit on your departure.
- Yes, you pay an administration fee on your departure.
- Yes, you pay the full refurbishment cost of the unit on your departure, around $60,000.00 at present day values.
- Yes, you and your fellow residents pay all the maintenance costs associated with the common areas and the recreational facilities.
- But I don't get ownership of the property only conditional occupancy!
- Correct.
What do you think now, would you pay the $ amounts being asked by the industry not for ownership of a unit but simply the conditional right to occupy a unit in a Retirement Village?

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